A lot of people offer to buy me coffee. It’s great. I love coffee and I love talking shop. Only hiccup is that there’s not enough hours in the day. Soooo…Join me for a cup of coffee (tea, beer, bourbon?) and let’s talk shop for 30 minutes via a Google Hangout on Tuesday August 5th. Here’s how.
Remember that contest I ran recently where the prize was a $500 from Adorama, 2 courses from CreativeLive and one-hour totally off-the-record conversation between me and the winner? Well, turns out that href=”http://ift.tt/1u7ClLT Arthur was that winner and we’re talking on Tuesday August 5th. But here’s where you come in.
My private chat with David ends at 12noon Seattle time (3pm NYC, 20:00 London), but right at that time, I’ll kickoff a 30 minute public Google+ Hangout where you can join/follow the open conversation I’ll be having with you and whomever…taking any and all questions via Facebook, Twitter, carrier pigeon, smoke signal or however you can get ‘em across the wire to me. Ask ‘em day of…or can even ask them early in the comments below.
WHO: A worldwide chitchat via a Google+ Hangout
WHAT: Open Q&A that YOU can join or watch
WHEN: Tuesday, August 5th, NOON – 12:30 PM Seattle time (2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Central time)
WHERE: Tune in here my YouTube page http://ift.tt/1rba0qc, here here via my Google+ page, or directly to the page for the Hangout [link to come I hope]
NOTE: I’ve done a handful of On Air Hangouts before, BUT never pulled it together myself on the casual tip…so cut me a little slack if it ain’t pretty But I think I got this… Rumor has it my pals at Adorama might provide a special discount to the gear I use, or a prize of some sort. Still working that out.
Any questions (about the process or that you want me to answer) leave ‘em in the comments, or keep your eyes peeled on my social feeds for deets in the coming days.