It’s a fact that even the most beautifully composed image will fall apart if it includes a dull, lifeless sky. A great sky, on the other hand, can boost the impact of an image immensely. The problem is that we are at the mercy of Mother Nature and she is not always forthcoming about giving us the sky we need. Of course this being the digital age, there are things that we can do about it and today we are going to look at some ways to improve your skies using Lightroom.
The Graduated Filter
Lightroom’s Grad Filter is perhaps the easiest way to boost a dull looking sky. It is found in the Develop Module underneath the histogram. Work on your image first, getting the exposure, contrast and color right then, when you are happy we can add the grad to the sky. Click on the Graduated Filter Tool.
Now move your curser over the main image, you will that your curser turns to a crosshair. From the very top of the image, click and drag this crosshair down. You will see three lines expand across the image. These are the extents of the effect of your filter. Drag so the lowermost point is just below the horizon.
Making Fine Adjustments to the Filter
Underneath the histogram in the Develop module, you will now see a range of adjustment tools. These tools will work only within the confines of the graduated filter, leaving the rest of the image as is.
In our particular example, we want to darken the sky a little, make it more blue and make those puffy white clouds stand out more. To darken the sky, we simply move the exposure slider to the left. We don’t want to go too far otherwise we will just end up with a very dark, unnatural looking sky.
To make the sky more blue, we click on the Color swatch at the bottom of the grad adjustments and then select a more suitable blue.
To make the clouds stand out, we can do several things. First we can boost the contrast a little, then increase the highlights by moving the slider to the right, finally we can increase clarity, again by moving the slider to the right.
Lastly, we can adjust the position of the graduated filter by, clicking on the center line and moving the grad up or down. You can also rotate the grad to fit the image.
The Adjustment Brush
The second technique involves using the Adjustment Brush. This is a little harder to use than the Graduated Filter but allows for much greater control of the areas that you wish to work on. In our example we want to take this dawn shot of Saigon and make the sky look more golden yellow.
As before get the image looking the way you want and then click on the Adjustment Brush tool below the histogram
At the bottom of the Adjustment Brush’s palette, click on Auto Mask and at the bottom of the main window, click on Show Selected Mask Overlay. When you move your curser over the image, you will see a brush tool. You can adjust the size of the brush using the mouse scroll wheel or from the bottom of the palette. Now when you paint over the image, you will see a red mask appearing in the parts that you have covered. Use a large brush to cover large areas of the sky then a smaller brush to paint into the small detailed areas.
When the area is completely covered we can make our adjustments in the same way that we did with the Graduated Filter tool. In the case of this image, we want to darken the sky a little, make it more, dawn-like and add some contrast. To see the adjustments we make, we need to uncheck the Show Selected Mask Overlay from the bottom.
To make the sky more like dawn, we can move the white balance more to the right, adding yellow. We can then decrease the exposure a little to darken the sky again not to far or the image will become unrealistic. To boost the color a touch more we can add some saturation and to make the clouds stand out a little, add some clarity and contrast
Lastly, we want the rest of the image to match the color of the sky so we click on Done, at the bottom right of the image screen. This returns us to the normal Develop module. Now we can simple change the white balance of the image to match the overall color to that of the sky. Of you want the image to match more accurately, you can use the Adjustment Brush tool to change specific areas, in this example the water needs to match the sky more.
You can also make corrections and further adjustments to brushes by clicking on the Adjustment Brush tool then selecting the small circle on screen. A useful tip to make sure your adjustment looks seamless is to use the Feather tool at the bottom of the Adjustment Tool screen.
These two techniques are very useful for making quick and easy adjustments to dull looking skies. As with all digital images, you will degrade the image slightly by carrying out these adjustments but if you are careful you can get better looking skies on days when Mother Nature does not play ball.