Sorry. I blew it.
I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning thinking, forgot the post!
Let me just acknowledge that I'm not in the swing of this yet. It takes me a while to groove regular habits. I need to figure out when I'm going to write the Morning Coffee posts—clearly, late in the evening is not the right time. Last night I just got really tired.
I would have tried to scramble this morning at 6:15, but, being honest, I can't. Writing fast under pressure is not my thing. I hate it. I need at least an hour or two free—even if I don't need to take that long, I need to know I have the time if I need it.
On the other hand, I think I'd really like to make "Morning Coffee" a regular thing this Fall, even after we get back to regular posting in September. The only thing I need to figure out is whether it should be five mornings a week or seven mornings a week. What would you like? That would be in addition to ordinary daily posts like I've been doing for going on nine years now.
Sorry about today. I'll do better tomorrow.
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