
The World's First True Digital Rangefinder?

The World's First True Digital Rangefinder?


Apparently the Konost FF is in prototype stage, aiming toward a c. 2016 launch.


(Thanks to Oren)

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Jim Bullard: "What, no multi-point autofocus, TTL evaluative metering, auto composition, digital toenail clipper and built in egg timer? Just a camera? That's it?"

Kenneth Tanaka: "Boy that's sure styled like the Leica T, isn't it? Perhaps sadly for the Konost people my strongest first thought was 'Why the hell couldn't Leica build this damn thing?' What was Leica thinking launching another over-priced and utterly non-competitive secondary product (their 'T') with a new and completely proprietary lens series when they could have leveraged and bolstered their patent assets to build just such a new digital rangefinder body using traditional M-mount Leica lenses? That would have been very cool.

"Well, anyway, good luck with this, Konost! Your product set plans are certainly ambitious. (Thanks for the heads-up Oren and Mike.)"

Craig H: "I'm sure that this will have been pointed out multiple times by the time this comment is posted, but the 'true digital rangefinder' they're referring to is not that the image is captured on a piece of silicon rather than film; it's talking about the rangefinder itself being digital, instead of being an optical system made of glass and mirrors on every Leica and yes, even the Epson R-D1."

ctein: "Dear Mike, Heh, I parsed that wrong, like many others. Youze a sneaky guy. If they can do this properly, which is a huge 'if,' they can produce an accurate rangefinder, which no on else has been able to do. That'd be a nice advance for rangefinder folks. We will just have to wait and see."

Mike replies: Wasn't trying to be sneaky. I was just quoting the website.