
New Plugin: Customizer Reset

New Plugin: Customizer Reset


With every new WordPress version, numerous features are being added to the Theme Customizer, and it seems that in the future you’ll be able to change everything in the theme from one page: widgets, colors and even menus.

We’ve already implemented numerous styling options and other theme settings in our latest two themes: Angle and Capital, and one thing that we found that’s missing in the Customizer, is an option to reset everything to default settings.

Luckily, we’ve provided a solution to this problem by releasing a new plugin called Customizer Reset .


What it does?

This plugin will reset theme customizations made via WordPress Customizer by adding a Reset button in the Customizer.

It also should work with all themes and plugins that use theme_mod settings type for storing modifications, and it removes all theme modifications that are registered via Customizer API.


You can download the Customizer Reset plugin on

Customizer Reset