
Top 10 Rumors on Why Matt Left KelbyOne

Top 10 Rumors on Why Matt Left KelbyOne

Hey everyone. I wanted to formally announce that I will no longer be at Kelby Media Group. It’s a small industry and I’ve seen first hand how rumors get around, so I figured I’d make a post about it myself. First let’s go over the top 10 rumors about why I left :-)

10. They don’t have crushed ice in the ice dispenser.

9. The Magic 8-ball told me to.

8. I felt me leaving would help end the Buccaneers pro football team losing streak

7. They only had Coke and not Pepsi products in the vending machines

6. The Photoshop TV “Steam” episode was removed from the archives and deleted forever (sorry, inside joke to anyone following PSTV a LONG time ago)

5. They only had 1-ply toilet paper in the bathroom ;)

4. I played one too many Lightroom and Photoshop pranks on my co-workers

3. The guy who sat in the office next to me played Enya too much

2. They found out about my secretly hidden “I Love Apple Aperture” tattoo.

And the last, and actual reason why I’m moving on is…

1. I accepted a Vice President of Photography position at onOne Software.

Does That Mean I’m Leaving KelbyOne to work full-time at onOne?

Yes. A couple of weeks ago I made one of the hardest career moves and choices I’ve ever made. I decided to leave Kelby Media Group after 10 years to take a full-time position at onOne. I’ve been a huge fan of their apps over the years, they’re already a crucial part of my workflow, and when I heard their plans for the photography “space” in the industry, I realized that this was the next phase of my career.

So what’ll happen to this site? will be turned over to Kelby Media. “Killertips” is trademarked by Kelby Media so of course they’d want to retain the actual URL. Per my employee agreement I signed when I started, anything I write while employed at Kelby Media, that relates to the industry (whether on my own time or not), is property of Kelby Media – so they’ll be keeping this site and all of the content and maintaining it from here out.

So No More Blog From Matt?

I still have my personal blog at It’s mostly to write about what’s going on in my training, life and photography (mostly landscape photography). Best thing to do if you’d like to keep up with me is head there and sign up for the mailing list. Also, I’ll be writing and creating content over at onOne’s site as well. I’ve got some great things I’ll be working on at onOne, and I think if you like this site then you’ll really dig what’s to come. So, between those two sites, you’ll be sure to know what’s going on and how to find out more.

Does This Mean I’m Moving to Portland?

onOne is based out of Portland, OR, but I’ll be staying in Tampa. I love Portland and would love to move out there, but I don’t know it’s the right move for my family right now (we love the sun and beaches too much). I’ll of course fly out there every so often as needed. And with the huge amount of cool things to photograph in Oregon, I’m thinkin’ I need to fly out often ;-)

Will I Still Be Training?

Definitely! Training is in my blood. It’s perhaps the most important part of what I do. onOne has some great plans for where they can go in the future, and teaching people will still be a big part of my job.

Am I Only Going to Train with onOne’s Apps Now?

Nope. That wouldn’t be smart for anyone right? My training and teaching has always been built on Adobe’s products (mostly Lightroom and Photoshop). Over the last couple of years, I’ve spent most of my time editing my own photos in Lightroom, so that’s where I’ve spent the bulk of my time teaching as well. But onOne has been a big part of my workflow when it comes to the finishing touches in my photos.

So that’ll all continue as usual. But there’s also lots of other cool stuff to come too. Plus, you’ll still see me at all of the usual industry events that I’ve always been at, and hopefully even more. I’m sure you’ll see me at Photoshop Worlds in the future. I’m already scheduled to speak at WPPI next February, and I try to make sure I teach a few hands on landscape photography workshops each year.

Did Anything Bad Happen with Me at Kelby Media to Cause This Move?

Absolutely not! While I’m really psyched about the change, it was an incredibly hard decision. There were lots of emotions on both sides. But Scott, and everyone else there, was extremely supportive. At the end of the day, it was the right move for me and something I felt like I had to do, or I’d never forgive myself for not trying. I don’t know what the future really holds, but I know there’s lots of opportunity and plenty of good things possible. It was definitely a risk to leave some place that I had been at for 10 years. But there’s a quote from John F Kennedy that I’ve always liked and try to live by:

“Change the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present, are certain to miss the future”

Final Thoughts

I’ve gotten such a huge amount of support and I just wanted to say thank you. I don’t have to say good bye to any of you because this isn’t a good bye. I’m still going to be doing many of the same things I was doing before. I may not be on the Grid show each week with Scott, but I’ll be out there in many other ways so I’m sure we’ll all cross paths again very soon. Again, if you want to keep up with what’s next, the best place to go is as well as

See you soon!