
Videozoom 4.0 Released!

Videozoom 4.0 Released!

4 years ago we have released Videozoom theme, and today we’re more than happy to announce the release of a new update – Videozoom 4.0, which brings major improvements and some new features too. So let’s see what exactly changed.

Videozoom 4.0

What’s New?

  • Re-design

  • Native Video Support

  • Improved Responsive Navigation

  • Light Skin

  • Social Profiles Widget in Header

  • More features can be found on the theme’s page

The Need for a Refresh

Instead of retiring this great theme, like we use to do with most of our outdated themes, we decided to give a second life to the theme that used to be one of our most popular ones.

First thing that was needed for Videozoom was a refreshed design, that would give it a modern feel, like every new theme that we release. Converting this theme to flat design wasn’t very easy, as we were forced to eliminate a lot of unnecessary graphic elements, making things much simpler and readable.

WordPress Native Video Support


Until the 4.0 version JW Player was built into Videozoom theme, but as we weren’t able to continue to support it and provide the latest version of the player, we ended up switching to serve self-hosted videos using the WordPress native video player – MediaElements.js. However the theme is still fully compatible with the official JW Player Plugin for WordPress so you can continue using it with the theme by installing the plugin.

Better Mobile Experience

This is not the first update for this theme in which we made major improvements to the responsive design. Mainly this happens because this is a video-based theme, so we need to make sure that videos can be accessed without any problems from any device.

In this update we have also improved the mobile navigation, by adding a sliding menu which can be easily used:


The new update is available for all existing customers, and you can download it in My Account area.

Feel free to let us know what you think about this update in the comments below!