First, obligatory Butters snap:
GX7. Reader Larry "Oldbro" Jasper provided the racquetballs as a gift for the doggies. They are indeed indestructible—Butters carries his around (when I let him) and graws determinedly on it in a concerted attempt to show love through obliteration, but to no avail—the racquetballs are impervious. Both dogs (including old Lulu!) have made spectacular flying catches in their indoor play yard a.k.a. the basement office.
Second, print sale starts today at noon. I'm very enamored of the print—can't get enough of it. Come back at noon and see the image! (Or a pale insufficient JPEG of it. I'll write about the print vs. JPEG tomorrow.)
(Thanks to Larry)
P.S. Don't ask why the speakers are not hooked up. It is a very sad thing.
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