
Jeff Goldstein Sells His Vivian Maier Holdings

Jeff Goldstein Sells His Vivian Maier Holdings

Jeffrey Goldstein, the second largest holder of Vivian Maier archives with about 17,500 negatives (to John Maloof's 150,000*), has sold all his holdings to Toronto gallery owner Stephen Bulger.

You may recall that Jeff suspended all his sales and activities in the wake of legal action involving a second claim on the rights. Jeff and John had previously believed they had cleared the rights with the person who was most likely Vivian's closest locatable relative (she also had a brother who has disappeared). In September, however, a lawyer named David Deal dropped the bomb that he had located a second claimant and was making a play for the rights.

The most amazing part of the present chapter of the ongoing saga is that Cook County, Illinois, is allegedly also making a play to profit from the rights to the photographs, insisting that the former Charles Maier, the brother who is believed to have changed his name and disappeared way back in the 1950s, is the only rightful heir. Legally he has six years to step forward and claim his inheritance. In the meantime, Cook County, as custodian of the estate, would like to license the rights, according to Bulger. did the original reporting on this most recent development in the ongoing saga and you can read about it there.


The mysterious Vivian Maier

One thing's for sure—this whole tale is going to make for an excellent book someday, when things finally get sorted. If they ever do.


*Both numbers according to Stephen Bulger.

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