
'The Decisive Moment' New Release Date

'The Decisive Moment' New Release Date

...Or, how The Most Eagerly Awaited Photobook Reprint of 2014 became The Most Eagerly Awaited Photobook Reprint of two-thousand-fifteen.

The ship date has been delayed several times, but I thought it would at least be planned for release prior to Christmas. Evidently not.

Decisive Moment cover First reprint in 62—make that 63—years

Steidl's eagerly awaited reprint of Henri Cartier-Bresson's celebrated book The Decisive Moment—the first time it has ever been reprinted—is now scheduled for late February in the U.S. It was late January just a week or so ago.

Why? The fact that it's already an Amazon bestseller in various photography categories, even as a pre-order, is probably an indication. Demand is going to be fierce.

Note that it could well be released earlier in Europe. Or it could also be that the European Amazon pages have just not been updated as recently—Amazon Germany still has the release listed as August 2014, which is obviously wrong.

The original edition (inherited, not purchased) is the centerpiece of my own photobook collection, and of course I haven't seen the reprint. But you might want to get in line for this by pre-ordering it now. However large the first printing at its eventual release, it is bound to go quickly—and as it's probable that negotiating the rights was a delicate and complicated affair, additional printings are probably not guaranteed.

The Decisive Moment at Amazon U.S.

The Decisive Moment at Amazon U.K.

Cannot be pre-ordered at The Book Depository

Amazon Canada

Amazon Germany

(Sorry, we don't have affiliations at Amazon Italy or Amazon France)

This won't be the photobook of the year, but it will probably be the photobook reprint of the decade.


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