
Okaaaay..., Dept. (OT)

Okaaaay..., Dept. (OT)

Writing at, Sam Tellig (real name: sound out "tellig" backwards while thinking of razor blades) writes about Spencer and Dorothy Hughes' famous loudspeaker-building firm, "Spen(cer) + Dor(othy) = Spendor."

Later he notes, "I used to feel a somewhat spiritual attachment to the speakers, especially the BC1—as if they were handmade musical instruments, something almost alive. I would stroke the cabinets before going to bed. Goodnight, Spencer (the left speaker). Goodnight, Dorothy (the right)."


I'm passing this along just in case you've been feeling too close to any of your photo toys lately. If you don't stroke them and tell them goodnight, it could be worse!


(Tip o' the hat to Sam/Tom, one of the good guys)

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Featured Comments from:

Manuel: "Hi-Fi nomenclature can be weird. Spendor is mirrored by Harbeth (after H. D. HARwood and his wife BETH) and Rega (Tony RElph and Roy GAndy), but it gets really strange from that point on. There are names such as 'Music First Audio,' 'First Watt Audio,' 'Blue Jeans Cables,' and Ken Kessler once even reported 'Anodyne Audio'! Audio saloons are often real freak shows—not just for the products exposed, but also for the names adorning the stands. ('DarTZeel,' anyone?) But who am I to criticize? At the back of my amp there is a pair of Kimber Kable PBJ (Peanut Butter Jelly!) interconnects. Oh well...."

Mikko Kalavainen: "Sam is correct, sir. Back when I still spent my days standing behind the counter of the camerastore, I used to tell my customers (when they were deciding which camera to buy), that The Best Shots usually come with the camera that you'd like to pet a little before going to bed at night. That the megapixels don't matter, the AF doesn't matter, but what matters is that you love the camera. If you don't, it'll show in the pictures. And I still believe that."