
Award Winning Photographer Arrested (Again), Has Cameras Confiscated

Award Winning Photographer Arrested (Again), Has Cameras Confiscated

According to a press release from The Bahrain Center For Human Rights, renowned street and war photographer, Ammar Abdulrasool has just been arrested. Again. Ammar was taken in what appears to be a succession of illegal raids targeting photographers and journalists that took place in Bahrain during the past weeks. Abdulrasool’s family says a group [...]

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What’s Is A Drone and Johnny Dronehunter

What’s Is A Drone and Johnny Dronehunter The last couple of days I ran across these two humorous drone videos that I can’t resist passing on: The first is one called What is a drone featuring Raphael Pirker, Josh Bixler, Brendan Schuleman and the hilarious Josh Scott. And the second is one from an article over at called Johnny Dronehunter. Enjoy!

The Hidden Roar by Anette Mossbacher

The Hidden Roar by Anette Mossbacher

The Hidden Roar by Anette Mossbacher

Friday, 1st August 2014 Find photo contests to enter sorted by deadline and theme.

Florida – The Worst Place In The World To Take Good Photos?

Florida – The Worst Place In The World To Take Good Photos?

After coming back from a family vacation to Florida and downloading all of the images from the trip, I have come to the conclusion that Florida just might be the worst place in the world to take good photos. If you’re not sure where I’m going with this, I think this photo pretty much sums [...]

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How To Build A Butter-Smooth Video Slider

How To Build A Butter-Smooth Video Slider

You know those shots where a camera is pointing at an out of focus object and then it slowly goes into focus. Sometimes this is done by focus racking (or focus pulling) but sometimes it’s done by actually moving the camera until the object gets inside the depth of field. The secret to doing it [...]

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NEWS: Lightroom 5.6 Update

NEWS: Lightroom 5.6 Update

Hey everyone! Adobe just released another “dot” update for Lightroom. We’re up to 5.6 now and it’s free to download. Just launch Lightroom, go to the Help menu and choose Check for Updates. There’s nothing really breathtaking in this one. It’s mostly a camera update (the Nikon D810 is now included as well as a couple of Panasonic cameras) and a few bug fixes. Oh and lots of news lens profile support (especially with Sony’s lenses). You can see exactly what’s in the update and what bug fixes were addressed over on the Adobe Lightroom Journal blog. There’s download links there as well, but the easiest way is just go to the Help menu and get it from there. Enjoy!

VAL: Out! Drone Lighting: In! Drones Used As Lighting Stands

VAL: Out! Drone Lighting: In! Drones Used As Lighting Stands

A team of researchers from MIT and Cornell are expected to present a protype of a drone they have been developing specifically designed to ease the task of ‘holding lights’ this August. To be clear, drones have already been used by numerous photographers and filmmakers as a way to light scenes, but this particular drone [...]

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A Homeless Man Uses Photography To Turn His Life Around

A Homeless Man Uses Photography To Turn His Life Around

Let’s face it, nearly everyone has access to a camera of some sort. While that sort of access can be seen as a good thing, it also has it’s downfalls. With everyone and taking photographs of everything they see, it seems nearly impossible to get noticed as a street photographer nowadays. Even if your work [...]

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City of Dreams by Bjoern Lauen

City of Dreams by Bjoern Lauen

City of Dreams by Bjoern Lauen

Thursday, 31st July 2014

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Knowing Your Subjects Well

Knowing Your Subjects Well

One of the most important considerations of a photograp […]


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Create 4 Different Background Styles Using Only 1 White Seamless Paper

Create 4 Different Background Styles Using Only 1 White Seamless Paper

I only have two backgrounds in my (home)studio, a white seamless paper and a black wall. I use my seamless white paper for almost every shoot that I do, unless of course, I need to shoot on a black background (in that case I use the black wall). I always tell my students how important [...]

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