My latest lunatic picture (lunatic being defined as one suffering from the intermittent insane belief that the moon is a good subject for photographs). I went outside to take a picture of the full moon behind some picturesque clouds, but then the clouds moved away and the moon started setting behind the peak of the neighbors' roof. So I figured, what the heck, just go with it.
Taken handheld, because...well, I'm a lunatic.
Do you tend to approach things based on your ideas of what you want, willing to work until you get it, or are you more likely just to go with whatever you find and make the best of it? I'm much more the latter type. I'll take whatever I find. Maybe it'll be a picture, maybe not—I never know beforehand anyway. I have to see the picture as a picture. I think the ways we approach photography have a lot to do with our personalities.
Too early to say if I like this shot or not. I like it now, but the next few weeks are when my opinion "cures"—during that time I'll either start liking it more or (more likely) less. Three weeks from now I'll know. Right now I'm in that "look what I just made!" phase, where you're pleased with what you did and want to show it around for approval. I think we all feel that way when we like what we just shot. That doesn't mean the shot is any good, of course.
Enjoy the World Cup final today! You know things are tense around the Vatican.
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